Wine trends for 2022
Wine trends for 2022

Untraditional wine.

From ordering wine at home the past few years, we see there being a shift in comfort zones.

People will move away from their usual go-to and start exploring less traditional options.

Travelling further from the classic French and American labels, and venturing into new territory with lesser-known regions throughout the rest of Europe.

There’s a desire to get out and try new things, as suspected in the current climate, so smaller winemakers might see this favorably reciprocated with the wine trends for 2022.

Wine trends for 2022

Natural wine.

This type of wine is a relatively new phenomenon off the back of the western world’s move for better sustainability practices in recent years.

Natural wine is also becoming a more popular alternative to unnatural wine, primarily seen from the health focus point of view by some.

Natural wine is seen as the newest trend to pick up on if you have the appetite and the intrigue.

Try some out for yourself first and see what you make of it.

Wine trends for 2022

Sparkling wine.

There’s been an interesting disconnect between consumers drinking sparkling wine while dressed up at a special event, and just in their sweatpants on the sofa.

Due to our behaviors during the pandemic, specialists are suggesting that the wine trends for 2022 will see these stick around.

Individuals won’t need an event invitation to be able to indulge in a sparkling rosé.

Others are also suggesting the popularity of sparkling varieties is declining the reds, as these varieties are beginning to be consumed all year round. 

Wine trends for 2022

Sustainable wine.

This is a given in the wine trends for 2022 in the state of climate change, and the globalization of the high-profile conversations we’re having more of.

Sustainable wine is being showcased, not only in the manufacturing practices of the wine, however in the glass bottles they’re being packaged into as well.

Some enthusiasts are seeing bottles made lighter in reaction to wines using heavier bottles to signify worth and value.

Wineries are proving they care more about the impact they’re having on the planet, then the individuals’ perception of value inside.

Start your custom wine cellar project today.